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Dreams of

Uniting Communities

to Create Change

Our story begins with a vision of uniting our communities in order to create awareness, remove stigma and give back

on our own terms.


Starting with her own event production company, Mariel Anderson brought many fundraising events to Vancouver, BC in order to create intentional impact in her community.


It was during this time that Mariel ended up on the stage of a large scale fundraiser. Seeing the complete parallel between the passion for community and spirit of giving back, Mariel reached out for mentorship and collaboration, and it was accepted.

Turning a Vision

into a Reality

After years of mentorship and guidance, a decision was made to create a nonprofit foundation, focusing on our mission of 'communities supporting communities', while showcasing local talent from a variety of artists. This is done in support of mental health and vulnerable youth.


The staggering number of people who not only struggle with mental health but also those who lose their battles with it across Canada could not be ignored any longer. Small acts change the world. Mariel realized that a community of people who are able to unite and take small actions towards creating positive impact in their own communities is powerful.


Creating community, connecting humans, and providing support to organizations who are already working hard within Canada to support mental health is a purpose that Foundation for Artistic Expression was born out of.

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